2Cents about Cyber Security

[CVE-2014-2084] - SKYBOX Security – Multiple Information Disclosure

 | #CVE#vulnerability

Date: [22-Jan-2014]

Exploit Author: [Luigi Vezzoso]

Vendor Homepage: [http://www.skyboxsecurity.com]

Version: [Skybox View Appliances with ISO versions: 6.3.33-2.14, 6.3.31-2.14, 6.4.42-2.54, 6.4.45-2.56, 6.4.46-2.57]

Tested on: [Centos 6.4 kernel 2.6.32]

CVE : [CVE-2014-2084]


A vulnerability has been found in some Skybox View Appliances’ Admin interfaces which would allow a potential malicious party to bypass the authentication mechanism and obtain read-only access to the appliance’s administrative menus. This would allow the malicious party to read system-related information such as interface names, IP addresses and the appliance status.


Skybox Security has a complete portfolio of security management tools that deliver the security intelligence needed to act fast to minimize risks and eliminate attack vectors. Based on a powerful risk analytics platform that links data from vulnerability scanners, threat intelligence feeds, firewalls and other network infrastructure devices – Skybox gives you context to prioritize risks accurately and automatically, in minutes.


It’s possible to obtain useful information about the version and network configuration of skybox appliances bypassing the webui interface.

For the appliance system info open with a browser:

For the appliance network info open with a browser:


Skybox View Appliances with ISO versions: 6.3.33-2.14, 6.3.31-2.14, 6.4.42-2.54, 6.4.45-2.56, 6.4.46-2.57


Please refer to the vendor security advisor: Security Advisory 2014-3-25-1


Luigi Vezzoso

email: luigivezzoso@gmail.com

skype: luigivezzoso

About Luigi Vezzoso

Photo of Luigi Vezzoso

Security professional with more than 15 year of experience in multiple aspects of cyber security - In my the spare time I like to train dogs.