2Cents about Cyber Security

New Beginnig #2

 | #updates

Hi There!

Here we go with first post of 2023! I decided (again) to move my simple website/blog to a different platform: github pages with Jekyll support.

Reasons for this choice is to have direct control over the writing, to keep simple and effective the editing and lastly to learn somenting new!

This way of life (learning somenting new every day) is like a mantra in my mind and is just a way to cohabit with my curiosity and passions in many area: from cyber security to dog training, from treckking to photography, from coding to lifeguarding, from music to maths and many others.

Keeping strong focus on what I’m working on, with such number of interests/passions, is a difficult task and I have to be more disciplined and organized to plan carefully learning paths and activities to don’t be overhelmed by the things!

Having said that, this blog will continue to be 100% cyber security focused. Many other arguments should be discussed but I need to be focused and I prefer to keep it simple. Probably sometime I could publish some extra contents for sake of curiosity.

next steps

Let me do a list of resolutions as per tradition is done at the year beginning. It’s just a starting point, a new beginning, to track what I’m going to do with this 2023.

  • porting my posts from other platform to githubpages
  • starting again the hack the box and in general CTF activities
  • contributing the developer/hacker community publishing code


Looking back, over my shoulder, I tryed several time to keep my blog updated with learning activities, coding, or with info about me…. but it never happend. Now the blog is opened since 2017 and many years are passed…

The question about why keep open this blog again in 2023 came in my mind…. I think it’s important to have a way to track our activities, interests, and contributing in our community. Writing could be a useful way to improve written skills and for me, English Language also.


So, wish me good luck for the new beginning, with the hope to have material to contribute with the community!

About Luigi Vezzoso

Photo of Luigi Vezzoso

Security professional with more than 15 year of experience in multiple aspects of cyber security - In my the spare time I like to train dogs.