2Cents about Cyber Security

Hack The Box

 | #CTF

During last year I decided to go deeper into the penetration testing field and I searched for resources and material to study. One of the best resource that I have found is Hack The Box. This website offer a set of servers to be exploited (linux and windows boxes, embedded system etc.) and many challenges spacing from cryptography to web exploitation, from forensics to reversing. The good point of the platform are the easy of access and the quality of the whole system. The machine are create by contributors which send the machine and them are published just after an accurate evaluation.


In the platform you can test you “hacking” skills perform a complete exploitation of the systems. The goal is to grab two flags for each machine: a user flag and a root flag. Each flag give you some point and your level will increase with the number of users and root account owned!!! There is a very “addictive” scoring system with a complete scoreboard! The number of subscriber at the time of writing is more of 22000 so being on top is challenging and makes you so proud! After some time some machine are retired and the related points too… this have two benefits: you should continue to hack new boxes to stay on-top of scoreboard and you can write a walk-through about the retired boxes sharing the knowledge with other peoples in the very spirit of hacking!!

I suggest to subscribe to the system and starting to hack!

Here my results:

enjoy! Se you on HTB!

About Luigi Vezzoso

Photo of Luigi Vezzoso

Security professional with more than 15 year of experience in multiple aspects of cyber security - In my the spare time I like to train dogs.