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Hello world!

Hi There! Every developers, during the initial stage of learning somenting new, use a standard greeting message to demonstate the first step taken into new adventureā€¦. the famous hello world message. Reaching a goal requires to take the first step and then keep going step by step. So let me try to do my first step porting my experiences in github pages! Hello World!

Hi There! Every developers, during the initial stage of learning somenting new, use a standard greeting message to demonstate the first step taken into new adventureā€¦. the famous hello world message. Reaching a goal requires to take the first step and then keep going step by step. So let me try...

Luigi Vezzoso's Avatar'

Is data at rest encryption worth against data breach?

Some years ago I attended very interesting discussion between evilsocket (a very know, productive and skillful Hacker) and a speaker of HackInBO, one of the most important Italian hacker community event. The discussion was part of Q&A session at the end of talk and it was focused on the effectiveness of encryption to protect our data against a real criminal attack. The origin of dis...

Some years ago I attended very interesting discussion between evilsocket (a very know, productive and skillful Hacker) and a speaker of HackInBO, one of the most important Italian hacker community event. The discussion was part of Q&A session at the end of talk and it was focused on th...

Luigi Vezzoso's Avatar'

New Beginning...

Itā€™s been a long time since I wrote last postā€¦ Many things are changed in my life and now I will try to restart again, sometimes a CTRL-ALT-CANC is required to make the system work again. Just to share some important updates in my life I can mention the following events: I worked harder to become a K9 Rescue Unit of the ā€œScuola Italiana Cani Salvataggioā€. It wasnā€™t easy and required a...

Itā€™s been a long time since I wrote last postā€¦ Many things are changed in my life and now I will try to restart again, sometimes a CTRL-ALT-CANC is required to make the system work again. Just to share some important updates in my life I can mention the following events: I worked harder...

Luigi Vezzoso's Avatar'

Hack The Box

During last year I decided to go deeper into the penetration testing field and I searched for resources and material to study. One of the best resource that I have found is Hack The Box. This website offer a set of servers to be exploited (linux and windows boxes, embedded system etc.) and many challenges spacing from cryptography to web exploitation, from forensics to reversing. The good point...

During last year I decided to go deeper into the penetration testing field and I searched for resources and material to study. One of the best resource that I have found is Hack The Box. This website offer a set of servers to be exploited (linux and windows boxes, embedded system etc.) and many c...

Luigi Vezzoso's Avatar'

CIA - Wikileaks and 'Vault 7'

These days peoples are talking about the CIA leaks published by Wikileaks (wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/index.html). Just some consideration from my side. What we can understand from the published information? Nothing newā€¦.. or unexpected.. The CIA is well organized. They have a great structure to organize people and resource for different kind of target. Smart TV CIA have dedicated team (Embedde...

These days peoples are talking about the CIA leaks published by Wikileaks (wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/index.html). Just some consideration from my side. What we can understand from the published information? Nothing newā€¦.. or unexpected.. The CIA is well organized. They have a great structure to o...